8000km on 5W - Canberra to Tokyo AC-040
/I finally managed to capture it - a voice contact over 8000km - Canberra to Tokyo. Anothe quick evening activation joining the other VK1 activators for a mini qso party.
Check it out.
I finally managed to capture it - a voice contact over 8000km - Canberra to Tokyo. Anothe quick evening activation joining the other VK1 activators for a mini qso party.
Check it out.
Well it didn’t take long. Less than a week in fact. After being struck down by a travel flu from crappy airplane aircon I needed to get out of the house. Feel some sun shine as it were.
Here is my vid from knocking over Mt Stromlo again
Hope you enjoy.
Summit number 2 of 3 this weekend, I shall remember Bullen Ridge for 2 things - its gates (5) and the BIG Buck Deer that snuck on on me in the AZ while I was setting up.
This summit also saw my first DX stations on my own gear on 5w - 2 ZL stations.
Long video but its all good
I set myself the challenge of knocking over 3 summits over during the easter long weekend - and they are all more challenging than my others to date.
The Mt Mundoonan Summit is exactly 50km North of GPO Canberra city, just to the east of Yass NSW.
It was an absolute smashing day, no wind and with early low lying cloud - the summits was above them!
A great day on the radio, knocking over my 1st NSW summit along with my 1st of my weekend 3.
I thought I would share the gear I use on the summit activations.
So here is a bit of a list:
3lt CamelBak bladder
Rite in the rain notebook (with Pencil)
SotaBeams Linked Dipole 20/30/40
Squid Pole (10m)
Ratched Tie downs (2)
2m/70cm Slim Jim antenna
Blue tarp
10m lightweight Coax
What a day!!!
Far from being a joke, 1 April went down pretty awesome on Tuggerong Hill AC-038.
1 - 2 April is also AM weekend, I had never made a contact on AM.
A number of chasers didn't see the note on the AM mode to being able to pick when a chaser is on SSB was also a new skill.
NB I have only had my license for 7-8 weeks. I have managed now 7 summits, even if 1 pointers.
After a solid 4 hours working the band I managed a phenomenal 44 contacts and 9 or more contacts S2S.
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